Safefood Documentation


The Incidents page in SafeFood is where you can manage all the incidents that happened in your restaurant. Every time an alert is triggered and the entity returns back to a safe zone, an incident is automatically created*.

The incident holds important information about the event such as what entity was affected, what the temperature was for the duration of the incident, and more.

Incidents also have an "incident report" attached to them. The incident report is a series of fields that can be filled out and saved for auditing purposes.

Managers can assign any of their employees to fill out incident reports. If an incident is insignificant, managers can also just "archive" the incident. Completing or archiving an incident report is how you acknowledge issues within the SafeFood system.


The Incidents page was designed to be similar to an email inbox. On the left hand side, you have a list of incidents sorted by most recent to least recent. Each item in the list tells you the entity that was affected, the length of the incident, the type of incident, and the current state of the incident report.

When you choose an incident from the list, the right pane will show details of the incident. It will give you details about the type of incident, when it happened, and a graph of the entity's data during that time. Underneath this is the incident report.

Filling Out an Incident

An incident report has a state, which represents how far along you are in completing the report. Initially, a report starts out as "unactioned". In this state, you'll be able to assign a person to fill out the report or archive it.

If you choose to assign it to a person, the incident report will go into a "feedback requested" state. they will receive a notification saying that they have to fill out the report. You may also assign it to yourself if you wish to fill it out.

Whoever the report is assigned to will be able to fill out 3 text fields. The first field asks them to describe the incident. The second field asks them what they've done to correct the issue. The third field asks them what was done to prevent the issue. You can save the report at any time and come back to it later to finish your responses. None of the fields are mandatory, so staff can fill it out how they see fit.

Once an employee is done the report, then they can submit it so that a manager can approve or reject it. If the manager approves the report, then it gets closed and saved. If the manager rejects the report, the report goes back to the "feedback requested" state and the employee can edit the report before submitting again.

If a manager decided to fill the report out themselves, they don't have to submit the report to be accepted/rejected. They can simply just close and save the report.

Once a report is closed, it can be viewed or printed, but not edited.

Archiving an Incident

If there's an incident that isn't really an issue, the incident report can be "archived". This means that it's closed, but wasn't completed. It's possible to "unarchive" an incident to re-open it to feedback.

You can archive or unarchive an incident by clicking the button in the top right corner of the incident details pane.

Filtering the Incidents List

Above the incidents list, there's a bar with options for filtering. On the left side of the bar, you can filter the incidents list by the report completion state. On the right side, you can open a dialog to filter by incident length or type (e.g. temperature incidents, door incidents, etc.).

Archiving Many Incidents at Once

You may want to archive many incidents at once. To do this, click the "Edit" button at the top of the incidents list. This will allow you to select multiple incidents by checking them off, or by clicking "Select All". Once you've made your selection, you can click "Archive Selection" to archive them.

*Incidents are automatically created if configured in the alert settings.